Tech Blog – Texting in Restaurants February 22, 2011
Posted by acusumano in : Assignments , trackback
While looking for an interesting tech blog item this week, I wanted to find something related to the latest chapter in the Briggs text. I thought something on mobile journalism would be appropriate and so I eventually came across a quirky article, “I Will Check My Phone at Dinner and You Will Deal with It.” This piece by MG Siegler doesn’t directly deal with journalism, but it does provide evidence of the importance of mobile journalism.
Siegler opines that checking one’s cell phone at a restaurant has not only become the norm, but it may actually be more awkward for younger generations to not engage in the practice. If people are even interrupting meals to check their phones, clearly mobile journalism is of interest to people.
Personally, I really hate phones. They’re my least favorite method of communication. I have a cell phone of course, but more out of necessity than an actual desire to text and be reached at any given point. It goes to show how technology is no longer an option these days (though I’m serious, there are times when the only thing keeping me from running over my cell phone is that I don’t want to damage my tires). And of course, now it’s becoming socially acceptable to tweet the restaurant you’re at.
However, a Zagat survey says that cell phones at the dinner table leave a bad taste in the mouths of most Americans, though some even upload pictures of their meals to Facebook.
There’s always an upside–namely, mobile food critics can post instant food and service reviews. Bon appetit!
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